11 October 2024
eBook: CNC Machining and Injection Molding for the Electronics Industry
Unlock expert insights into the manufacturing processes that power the electronics industry. This white paper provides a detailed comparison of CNC machining and injection molding, highlighting the benefits and limitations of each. Learn how to choose the right process based on production volume, precision, and cost-efficiency to optimize your next electronics project.

Guide Content
- Introduction
- CNC Machining for the Electronics Industry
- Key Benefits of CNC Machining
- Use Cases for CNC Machining
- Materials for CNC Machining
- CNC Machining Surface Finishes
- Injection Molding for the Electronics Industry
- Key Benefits of Injection Molding
- Design Considerations for Injection Molded Parts
- Material for Injection Molding
- Injection Molding Surface Finishes
- Specific Materials for Electronics
- UL 94 Rated Materials
- ESD Material
- Fibres
- Practical Tips Before Ordering Parts for Electronics
- Additional Resources