Cross-Reference Table of Steel Designation Standards

The table cross-references the most widespread steel alloys in accordance with DIN, ISO, AISI, SAE, AFNOR, BS, UNE, SS, UNI and JIS standards
Steel materials

There is a lot of different steel grades as well as designation standards that are used depending on countries, company’s traditions and engineering practices. In order to simplify the communication process we’ve gathered the most popular steel and stainless steel grades and indicated how they cross reference with each other.

Stainless Steel Grades: Cross-reference

DIN (Germany) ISO AISI (USA) SAE UNS AFNOR (France) BS (Great Britain) UNE (Spain) SIS (Sweden) UNI (Italy) JIS (Japan)
1.2083 X40Cr14; X42Cr13 420 420 S42000 Z40C14 420S37 2303 SUS420J2
1.2085 X33CrS16 422 + S 423 + S S42000 Z35CD17.S 420S37 2303 SUS420J2
1.2316 X38CrMo16 422 422 S42200 Z35CD17 X38CrMo16KU
1.4021 X20Cr13 420 420 S42000 Z20C13 420S37 2303 X20Cr13 SUS420J1
1.4034 X46Cr13 420 420 S42000 Z40CM 420S45 F.3405 2304 X40Cr14
1.4057 X17CrNi16-2 431 431 S43100 Z6CNi6.02 431S29 2321 X16CrNi16 SUS431
1.4104 X14CrMoS17 430F 430F S43020 Z10CF17 441S29 F.3117 2383 X10CrS17 SUS430F
1.4112 X90CrMoV18 440B 440B S44003 Z90CDV18 SUS440B
1.4122 X39CrMo17-1 Z38CD 16-01
1.4301 X5CrNi18.10(V2A) 304 304 S30400 Z6CN18.09 304S15 F.3551 2332 X5CrNi1810 SUS304
1.4305 X10CrNiS18-9; X8CrNiS18-9 303 303 S30300 Z8CNF18-09 303S31 2346 SUS303
1.4313 X3CrNiMo13-4 415 415 S41500 Z6CN13-04 2385 SUS Ti6NM
1.4404 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 316L 316L S31603 Z2CND17.12 316S12 2343/
X2CrNiMo1712 SUS316
1.4435 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 316L 316L S31603 J92800 Z2CND17.12 316S13 2353 X2CrNiMo1712 SCS16
1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 318LN 318LN S32205^2 Z3CND22-05Az 318S13 2377 SUS329J3L
1.4539 X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 904L 904L N 08 904 Z2 NCDU 25-20-5 904S13 QS2025MC
1.4541 X6CrNiTi18-10 321 321 S32100 Z6CNT18.10 321S12 F.3553F.3523 2337 X6CrNiTi1811 SUS321
1.4542 X5CrNiCuNb16-4 630 630 S17400^3 Z7 CNU 16-04 SUS630
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 316Ti 316Ti S31635 Z6NDT17.12 320S17 F.3535 2350 X6CrNiMoTi1712 SUS316TI
1.4828 X15CrNiSi20-12 309 309 S30900 Z15CNS20.12 309S24 SUH309
1.4841 X15CrNiSi25-21 314 314 S31400 Z15CNS25-20
1.6587 18CrNiMo7-6 18NCD6 820A16 14NiCrMo13
1.7131 16MnCr5 5115 5115 16MC5 527M20 16MnCr5 2511 16MnCr5 SCR415
1.7139 16MnCrS5 5117 5117 16MC5 16MnCr5-1 SS2127 16MnCr5
1.7225 42CrMo4 4140 4140 42CD4 708M40 42CrMo4 2244 42CrMo4 SCM440(H)
1.7227-QT 42CrMoS4 709M40-QT
1.8519-QT 31CrMoV9-QT 1.8519-QT
1.855 34CrAlNi7-10 1.855

Carbon, Alloy and Tool Steel Grades: Cross-reference

DIN (Germany) ISO AISI (USA) SAE UNS AFNOR (France) BS (Great Britain) UNE (Spain) SS (Sweden) UNI (Italy) JIS (Japan)
1.0570 St52-3; S355J2G3 1024 1024 G10240 E36-3 50D AE355D 2135-01 Fe510 SM490
1.0503 C45 1045 1045 G10450 AF65C45/C45 080M46/50HS C45K 1650 C45 S45C
1.0715 9SMn28K, 11SMn30 1213 1213 G12130, G12150 230M07 CF9SMn28 SUM22
1.1730 C45W 1045 1045 G10450 XC48 S50C
1.3505 100Cr6 52100 52100 G52986 100C6 535A99/EN31 2258 100Cr6 SUJ2
1.2365 X32CrM0V12-28 H10 H10 T20810 32CDV12-28 BH10 30CrMoV12-27KU SKD7
1.2367 X38CrMoV5.3 H10 H10 T20810 Z38CDV5 BH10 SKD7
1.2343 X38CrMoV5.1 H11 H11 T20811 Z38CDV5 BH11 X37CrMoV5 X37CrMoV51KU SKD6
1.2363 X100CrMoV5 A2 A2 T30102 Z100CDV5 BA2 X100CrMoV5-1KU SJD12
1.2379 X155CrVMo12.1 D2 D2 T30402 Z160CDV12 BD2 X155CrVMo12-1KU SKD11
1.208 X210Cr12 D3 D3 T30403 Z200Cr12 BD3 X210Cr12 X210Cr13KU / X250Cr12KU SKD1
1.255 60WCrV8 S1 S1 T41901 55WC20 BS1 ¬2710 55WCrV8KU
1.2311 40CrMnMo7 P20 P20 T51620 40CMD8 35CrMo8K SKT3
1.2312 40CrMnMoS8-6 P20+S P20+S T51620 40CMD8.S 35CrMo8K.S SKT3
1.2738 40CrMnNiMo8-6-4 P20 + Ni P20 + Ni T51620 40CMND8
1.2764 X19NiCrMo4 P21 P21 T51621 NAK80
1.221 115CrV3- h8 L2 L2 T61202 100C3 107CrV3KU SKS43
1.2067 102Cr6 L3 L3 T61203 Y100C6 BL3 100Cr6 SUJ2
1.2714 56NiCrMoV7 L6 L6 T61206 55NCDV7 BH224/5 SKT4
1.0037 St37-K; S235JR A283 A283 A 33 A 310-0 Fe360 B SN490B; C
1.2099 X5CrS12
1.2162 21MnCr5 SUS420J2
1.2294 ~X5CrS12
1.2344 X40CrMoV5.1 H13 H13 Z40CDV5 BH13 X40CrMoV5 2242 X40CrMoV5-1KU SKD61
1.2358 60CrMoV18-5
1.2436 X210CrW12 X210CrW12-1 X210CrW12 2313 215CrW12-1KU SKD2
1.2709 X3NiCoMoTi18-9-5 1.2709
1.2721 50NiCr13 OH251 OH251 ¬2550
1.2746 45NiCrMoV166 OH250 OH250
1.2767 45NiCrMo16 6F7 6F7 45NCD16 40NiCrMoV16KU SNCM2
1.2826 60MnSiCr4
1.2842 90MnCrV8 O2 O2 90MnV8 BO2 90MnVCr8KU
1.2892 PHXSupra
1.299 ~X100CrMoV8-1-1 1.299
1.2999 ~X45MoCrV5-3-1 1.2999
1.3343 S6-5-2; HS6-5-2 M35 M35 Z85WDCV BM2 2722 HS6-5-2-5 SKH9; SKH51

Differences between designation standards

DIN (Germany)

DIN stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung eV (German Institute for Standardization). This standard uses the letters DIN, followed by alphanumeric codes or figures representing chemical composition, for designation of steels and steel alloys.


AISI stands for American Iron and Steel Institute, an association of North American steel producers. They are in charge of steel standards, and some companies use the AISI standards to regulate what they produce. AISI uses a basic four-digit system to show the chemical composition of carbon and alloy steels. The first digit indicates the main alloying element, The second digit of the series indicates the top grade element, and The last two digits of the series indicate the carbon concentration in percentage.

Stainless Steels are designated using a three-digit system which sometimes uses letters to indicate alloying elements. The first letter indicates the series to which the steel belongs.


SAE stands for Society of automotive engineers, is a professional association and standards development organization for the engineering industry. Like AISI, it uses a four-digit system to represent the chemical composition of alloy steels and a three-digit system to represent Stainless Steel.


UNS stands for Unified Numbering System, it is a unified identification for metals and alloys of metals popular in the USA. It consists of a single-letter prefix followed by five digits representing a materials composition. In most cases the letter is suggestive of the family of metals identified. For steel and steel alloys, letters S- for Stainless Steels, G- Carbon and alloy steels, and T- Tool steels, depending on the material and its composition.

AFNOR (France)

AFNOR Stands for Association Française de Normalisation, which means French Standardization in English. AFNOR is a French organization for standardization. It uses the following specification for designation of steel alloys:

  • First figures representing the carbon content.
  • Letters showing the main alloying element.
  • Following figures expressing the content of the first material on the list.

For steel, stainless grades were designated by Z, and then the figure following the letters would indicate the percentage of the element.

BS (Great Britain)

BS stands for British Standards; these standards are developed by the British standard institute. This standard uses alphanumeric characters to designate steel alloys. For stainless steels the first three digits in the British system are the AISI numbers, followed by the letter S, for stainless, and two digits to indicate modification.

UNE (Spain)

UNE stands for Asociación Española de Normalización, which means Spanish organization for standardization. The UNE is similar to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), therefore like the ISO, UNE uses chemical composition for designation of steel alloys.

SIS (Sweden)

SIS stands for Swedish Institute of Standards, the official standards organisation in Sweden. This system names Steel alloys using a four-digit numbering system that describes the main alloying elements and composition.

UNI (Italy)

UNI stands for Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, it is an association that performs regulatory services in Italy. UNI’s designation for steel and aluminum alloys are similar to EN and ISO designations. This body therefore uses chemical composition for designation of steel and alloys.

JIS (Japan)

JIS stands for Japanese Industrial Standards, and are developed by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) in Tokyo. The specifications for designating steel and steel alloys begin with the prefix JIS, followed by a letter, where the letter denotes the area of division such as G- Ferrous materials and metallurgy, A- Civil engineering and architecture, and E- Railway engineering. The letter is followed by four digits which represent the materials composition.
